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PlayDifferently Allen & Heath Model 1 + Odyssey Vulcan Series Model 1 DJ Mixer Carrying Case

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Current price $2,698.95

PLAYdifferently AH-MODEL-1 Overview

DJs, musicians, and performing artists looking for a professional performance mixer with uncompromising build quality, intuitive tactile controls, and beautifully warm analog circuitry will be delighted with the PLAYdifferently MODEL 1, a premium 6-channel analog DJ mixer with an advanced feature set not found on comparable devices. The MODEL 1 was engineered by Andy Rigby-Jones of famed Allen & Heath and codesigned by Richie Hawtin. The prototypes went through two years of testing for insights and refinements with artists, clubs, and engineers across the electronic music community.

The mixer offers six stereo input channels plus two stereo returns in a small format frame. Notable features include an input preamplifier drive control, hybrid filter/swept bell EQ, dual cue system, dual mixer linking system, and a fully balanced Tascam DB25 connector system. The purely analog mixer features technology typically found in the finest studio consoles, such as a fully balanced mix bus, zero crossing detection for seamless filter and master EQ routing along high voltage differential power rails.

Two Stereo Sends

The two aux controls send the channel signal to the Aux mix outputs for use with external effects processors or, in some applications, local monitors. Aux 1 offers either pre or post fade, while Aux 2 is internally set to post fader.

Two Stereo Returns

Two basic stereo channels for use as return inputs from external effects processors or other sources. Each return features trim to adjust the return signal, an input drive circuit, and cue routing to both Cue A and Cue B. Each return also features metering for visual feedback of the signal level, a rotary level fader to adjust mix amount and combined return 1-2, low-cut EQ, and master filter routing.

Three High-Performance Phono Preamps

Three high-performance turntable inputs, optimized for the club environment to minimize the tonal imbalance between vinyl and digital audio, and to eliminate sub-frequency feedback. Each phono input has its own individual turntable earth binding for greater flexibility.

Studio-Grade Faders

Custom TKD 60mm faders. These twin-rail faders have been carefully chosen to ensure long life and smooth operation and feature a heavy feel for greater precision.

Precision Sculpting EQ

Sculpt is a semi-parametric swept bell filter, and consists of two controls: Freq, which sets the center frequency, and Cut/Boost, which adjust the gain or attenuation at this frequency. The level of Cut/Boost is asymmetric; maximum boost is limited to +8 dB, while the cut is extended to -20 dB. Sculpt has a wide Q and a frequency range that covers almost seven octaves.

Contouring Low- and High-Pass Filters

As the name implies these two controls allow you to contour the frequency range of the audio signal. They consist of low-Q, high-pass and low-pass filters designed not to add color to the sound as they are swept across their frequency range.

Analog Overdrive

A unique feature on every input, the Drive control. This control allows the user to adjust the level at which the channel preamplifier clips the input signal, thus creating harmonic distortion as a creative effect.

Dual Cue

Two independent cue systems, A and B. Cue A routes to the right-hand-side headphone monitor and Cue B routes to the left-hand-side headphone monitor. The dual-cue system makes it much easier for two DJs to perform on the mixer together in back-to-back setups, as each can select a separate channel to monitor without interfering with the other. This feature also assists DJs handing off to each other in a smooth and natural way.

Mixer Link

A system that allows multiple mixers to be linked together, either for use with two or more performers or as a way to expand the number of channels. When linked together, the mixers share a common balanced mix feeding the PA and booth monitors. In addition, the two cue systems are joined allowing interactive cueing between multiple performers.

Balanced Mix Bus

Fully balanced main mix bus (usually only found in very high-end analog studio consoles) resulting in >110 dB of dynamic range, improved hum rejection, and lower noise and crosstalk.

Master High- and Low-Pass Resonant Filters

The master filter consists of a high-pass filter, a low-pass filter, and a resonance control to adjust the sharpness of the high-pass filter. The master filter can be used as a swept frequency performance effect or as preset frequency mix tool to instantly cut the low or high frequencies of any channel routed to the filter. Signals can be routed to the master filter by the filter select switch found on each channel.

Three-Band Master EQ

Three-band master EQ with asymmetric cut and boost, -20/+6 dB, which can be used as a performance effect as well as a frequency-correction tool.

Two-Band Booth EQ

A 2-band equalizer allowing the user to adjust the frequency response of the booth monitors to suit his or her preference.

100% Analog

Smooth intuitive controls matched with warm, pure analog circuitry.

Zero Crossing Circuitry

All internal routing utilizes our zero-crossing detection system that helps minimize audio-switching artifacts for channel filter selection, master filter on/off, and master EQ on/off. This system allows each of these functions to be used quickly and intuitively as performance effects.

Quality Components

Beautifully smooth components each controlling one specific function for intuitive on-the-fly creative performances.

External Power Supply

Powered by an external 90W, 24V universal voltage PSU. Internally, the 24 volts from the external supply are converted to just under +/-20V for the analog power rails by using high-frequency-switching technology, giving MODEL 1 some of the highest signal headroom of any professional mixer, irrespective of its application.

Dual PSU

MODEL 1 offers the utility of powering with dual supplies. This feature—found on premium live sound and recording consoles—can offer greater security by powering the mixer simultaneously with a second supply. In scenarios such as music festivals, each supply can be powered from separate mains. In the event of one phase going down, the other supply will automatically take over powering the mixer.

Built in the UK

Built in the UK with our partners DigiCo and Allen & Heath using alloy/steel chassis for maximum strength and minimum weight optimized for touring, club, and performance situations.

D-Subs In

Two fully balanced TASCAM DB25 inputs receiving all 8 stereo channels, for rapid connections to external soundcards and for added flexibility in club installations.

D-Sub Out

Fully balanced TASCAM DB25 output for sending Master, Aux 1 and 2 Sends, and Cue B channels down a single connector, for rapid connections to external sound cards and for added flexibility in club installations.

Record Out

Mounted on the front panel at the top of the Master section, the Record Out 3.5mm TRS jack feeds the master post-EQ signal as a pre-fader record output. Nominal level is -2 dB.

Odyssey VUMODEL1 Overview

The Vulcan DJ Mixer Carry Case for the Allen & Heath Model 1 by Odyssey Innovative Designs features a custom-fit interior specifically designed for the Allen & Heath PLAYdifferently: Model 1 DJ mixer. The case includes an injection-molded body of high-strength polymer resin, which provides protection for your gear.

This Vulcan Series case is watertight, dustproof, and impact-resistant to give you confidence that your mixer is protected during transport. Other features include a comfortable carrying handle, a pressure release valve, and two holes for padlocks (available separately) to secure your mixer during transport or storage.